… exoplanets are planets that are outside our solar system? In other words, there are other stars that are similar to the sun and several of them are surrounded by their own planets.

… there are different types of exoplanets? Some are gigantic and gaseous, others are small and rocky. They can be hot enough to boil metal or they can be completely frozen.

… some could harbor life? Scientists have formulated this hypothesis because some of these planets have temperatures that are close to those on Earth.

… the first ones were found in 1990? Since then, techniques for finding exoplanets have improved and thousands of them have been identified.

… people have suspected that exoplanets have existed for over 500 years? Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno was one of the first to say that it was quite possible that our sun was not the only one in the Universe – and that there could be other planets around this type of star.

1) When were the first exoplanets found?
a) More than 500 years ago
b) In 1990
c) In the last decade
d) In the year 2000

2) Do you believe that there are other forms of life on other planets? Why?

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