In the ElephantsWorld sanctuary in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, blind elephants were the audience of British pianist Paul Barton.  After Paul worked with blind children, he noticed that classical music had a positive impact on them. He decided to do the same for elephants to apologize for what humanity has done to them. Some of the elephants in the sanctuary became blind because they were mistreated. They were used in logging operations and were forced to carry wood.

Paul’s musical selection included composers such as Ludwig van Beethoven and Johann Sebastian Bach. One of the female elephants that heard the pianist was Lam Duan. She barely moved when she heard the sounds. On the Indian site Your Story, Paul said that if you play classical music to a blind elephant, something they have never heard before – the reaction is priceless. There is a special bond between you and the elephant.


1) Why did the elephants become blind?
a) Because they were getting older
b) They were born blind.
c) Because they were mistreated by humans
d) They had accidents while in nature.

2) Would you like to play music to animals? Explain your answer.


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