How to Train Your Dragon Collection (Cressida Cowell, several publishers)

By Benito A. P.

An inspiration for the film, the How to Train your Dragon book collection was written by Cressida Cowell. It tells the story of Hiccup, a clumsy Viking and his small dragon Toothless. The collection features 12 books that have been translated into Portuguese and is fun and funny children’s literature with hilarious adventures. Each book has a different saga with new objectives on how to become the best Viking, a real hero, or the strongest pet ever.

Some differences between the books and the film are very noticeable, such as the Toothless character, who is originally green, as small as a cat, and very naughty. On the big screen, the dragon is black and bigger than its owner. Another difference is that the main character, Hiccup, wears his helmet a lot in the books, but not so much in the film. The journey of the two friends is sometimes told in ‘Dragon’ language through words that are full humour and that make you laugh when read aloud.

It is worth reading the series, laughing at the illustrations that portray several of the characters’ actions, while still learning dragon language. A belly squeeze to you (in dragon language that is: a hug for you)!


1) According to the text, what happens when dragon words are read aloud?

a) They provoke emotion.

b) They scare people.

c) They lose their meaning.

d) They make people laugh.

2) Do you enjoy stories like How to Train Your Dragon? Why?

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