To make distance learning more fun, Mason Pyper, a teacher from a North Carolina school in the United States, came up with very unusual ways to start his classes. One Friday, for example, he disappeared right after he turned on the camera. A few seconds later, he showed up again running towards an improvised slide made of canvas, water, and soap. Then he slid on his stomach before greeting the class.

The teacher posted the video on his TikTok page on February 5th. As this issue was going to press, the video had over three million views. Pyper teaches physical education. He has also started his classes by doing pirouettes in front of the computer and by walking a tightrope.

1) Which of these Pyper methods for starting classes is not mentioned in the text?
a) Gliding on an improvised slide
b) Walking a tightrope
c) Performing pirouettes
d) Dancing to a hit song

2) What would you suggest to the teacher as a fun way to start his next class?

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