According to data from the Summary of Social Indicators study by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), poverty among children and teenagers aged 0 to 14 years has increased in Brazil. The number of young people in families earning up to 406 reais per month went from 42.9% in 2016 to 43.4% in 2017.

Children and teenagers from low-income families continue to have less access to education, health, and quality basic sanitation. The situation could eventually force many young people in these conditions to stop studying so they can work and help support their families.

Impoverished people in Brazil (earning up to 406 reais a month)*

2016: 52.8 million
2017: 54.8 million (more than the population in Argentina)

People in extreme poverty in Brazil (earning up to 140 reais a month)*

2016: 13.5 million
2017: 15.2 million (slightly less than the population of Ecuador)

*Based on the World Bank’s poverty guidelines

Source: IBGE


1) The text says that the number of young people in families living in poverty went from 42.9% in 2016 to 43.4% in 2017. This means that the increase was of how much?
a) 0.5%
b) 1.2%
c) 0.7%
d) 0.4%

2) What do you think Brazilians could to do help end poverty in their country?

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