(Photo by: Emerald Downs/divulgation)

On August 21st, a “dinosaur race” took place at the Emerald Downs Speedway in Washington state, United States. The event brought together many people dressed in inflatable Tyrannosaurus Rex costumes. There were two races: one for children and another with more than 150 adults in costumes.

This is the fourth edition of the T-Rex race. In 2019, photos and videos of the event went viral on the Internet. This gave visibility to the event. The winner of this year’s adult competition was American Logan Kludsikofsky. In the children’s race, 13-year-old Sebastian Davis came in first place. Use the QR Code to watch the competition video.


1) What is the Emerald Downs?

a) A dinosaur museum

b) A pest control company

c) An area with a running track

d) A costume shop

2) If you could organize a different, fun race, what would it be?

Sources: Emerald Downs and UPI

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