ON MAY 7TH, the National Museum in Brazil received the largest donation of fossils since the 2018 fi re. The donation included 1,104 remains of plants, insects, reptiles and even dinosaurs that lived at least 1150 million years ago in the Crato region of the Chapada do Araripe, between the states of Ceará, Pernambuco, and Piauí. The collection was donated by European collector Burkhard Pohl, through Frances Reynolds, who headed the campaign to rebuild the museum’s collection.

The collection includes the fossils of two pterosaur skulls (an extinct fl ying reptile), as well as parts of other dinosaurs. “[Donations] are essential to rebuild the collection, both in terms of exhibition display as well as in terms of research — my students will be able to further study the material,” said Alexander Kellner, the director of the National Museum, in a press conference. According to Kellner, the museum will receive more donations in the coming months and will reopen in 2026.

What is the National Museum?

The museum was founded during the reign of the Portuguese Dom João VI, in 1818. At first, the museum was located at another address in Rio de Janeiro. In 1892, the collection was moved to São Cristóvão Palace in Quinta da Boa Vista, the residence of the Portuguese royal family and the Brazilian imperial family until 1889.

The National Museum had the largest history of natural science collection in Latin America. During the 2018 fi re, 85% of close to 20 million items were destroyed. The accident was attributed to a series of factors, such as the lack of investment, the absence of a contingency plan, and a precarious infrastructure.

In September 2022, part of the construction work was completed when the facade and garden at the front of the palace were finalized. The restoration is expected to be concluded in 2026.


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