(Image by Reddit/reproduction)

Sean Douglas McArdle is a 46-year-old American. On August 20th, he was swimming in a hotel pool in Las Vegas, United States when he came across his double, that is, someone who looks very similar to him. McArdle was celebrating a friend’s birthday at the Flamingo Hotel and did not know the other man.

In an interview with the Today newspaper, McArdle said he was in the pool when he noticed many people laughing. They were pointing at him and the other man. When he and the other man came face-to-face, the two were surprised to see how much they looked alike. They looked even more similar because both were wearing similar caps and glasses.


1) Why was Sean Douglas McArdle at the Flamingo Hotel?

a) He was there to meet his double.

b) He was celebrating his birthday.

c) He had an interview with the Today newspaper there.

d) He was celebrating a friend’s birthday.

2) What would you do if you met a person who was identical to you?

Sources: Reddit and Today.

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