When he was remodeling a bathroom in his home, Rob found a half-empty bag of McDonald’s fries inside the wall. Rob lives in the state of Illinois, in the US. He noticed that there was something behind the plaster. When he pulled it out, he found the package. It is quite different from what the company uses today. On social media on April 20th, Rob said that the food has probably been there since the house was built in 1959.

Rob said the potatoes still look perfect. They also did not smell strange, and there were no signs of rats there. In the post, people from around the world made jokes. One user commented: “Are you going to finish eating this?”


1) Where were the potatoes found?

a) In the wall

b) On the floor

c) In the ceiling

d) Inside a closet

2) What is the oldest object in your house?

Sources: The Mirror, Newsweek, NY Post, and Rob’s Reddit page Sources: CBC, NPR, and The Washington Post.

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