LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - JANUARY 20: A sign reminding people not to urinate in public places is seen in the centre of Soho on January 20, 2023 in London, United Kingdom. Westminster Council is currently trialling the use of "anti-pee paint", a "surface protection" which creates a transparent water-repellent layer that repels fluids, splashing urine back from the wall. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)

Soho is one of the busiest neighborhoods in London, the capital of England. It has been dealing with an unusual problem. The strong smell of urine started bothering residents. So, a project found a way to penalize people who pee on the streets.

It is an “anti-pee paint”. The substance was developed to repel urine right when it touches a wall or the floor and splatter “back” the person who is peeing on the street. Because it is clear, it is impossible to know where the paint has been applied.

The measure has already been implemented in other countries. It started being used in Soho at the end of 2022. Aicha Less, a local councilor, hopes that the new strategy will stop the peeing in the streets.

Sources: Extra, Estadão and UOL

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