THE WHITE LION A HANG from the Guangzhou Zoo in China went viral
after May 28th when a visitor shared photos of its new look: a mane with
straight bangs. The feline’s hairstyle was controversial because it gave the
impression that the lion’s keepers had done it. This would have interfered
with A Hang’s nature.

Zoo officials denied cutting the animal’s hair. In a note sent to a Chinese
news agency, the institution stated that the lion must have done the
hairstyle itself, since it cleans itself by licking its own hair, which can change its appearance. Another hypothesis is that the humidity contributed to the atypical cut.


1) What did the zoo deny about the lion’s hairstyle?

a) The lion’s keepers style its hair.

b) Humidity contributed to the atypical cut.

c) The lion did the hairstyle by licking itself.

d) A visitor styled the lion in the new look for a photograph.

2) What do you think about humans interfering with how an animal looks?

Sources: Folha de S.Paulo and Global Times

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