Of the 91.2 million people who are currently employed in Brazil, 37,060 million work in the informal job market, according to research by the Brazilian Geography and Statistics Institute (IBGE). That is, 40.6% of all Brazilian workers were hired without the documentation required by law, such as the work permit, or they are self-employed and do not have the Corporate National Register (CNPJ) which generates taxes for the government.

According to Reinaldo Domingos, a specialist in financial education who is charge of the YouTube channel Dinheiro àVista, the trend is for less people to be on the CLT (Consolidated Labour Laws) regime and more people to have informal jobs. The number of employees who are registered under labour laws as employed (32.8 million) between April and June is the lowest since 2012.

One of the reasons for this is the crisis that the country is going through. With lower economic growth, the number of formal jobs has decreased while unemployment has increased. Between April and June, 13 million were registered as unemployed in Brazil. “Formal jobs are better for workers, but, during times of crisis, finding this type of position is so difficult that informal jobs have become an alternative to pay the bills, and for the employer, it has become a way to hire without incurring all the high costs,” explains Mauro Rodrigues, an economist from the School of Economics and Administration at the University of São Paulo (FEA-USP).

1) Check the option that is NOT correct:

a) Close to half of all Brazilians are working informally.
b) Informal work is work that does not meet all the requirements prescribed by law.
c) The economic crisis is not one of the reasons for the increase in informal jobs.
d) With the crisis, companies are trying to reduce costs and hire more employees without work permits.

2- What job would you like to have when you grow up?


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