On May 14th, weavers from the state of Victoria, Australia, presented the largest teapot cover in the world. It measures 5 meters in height and 20 meters in circumference. Close to 300 kilometers of thread were used to produce the item (about three times the distance between São Paulo and Campinas, two cities in the state of São Paulo).

When they were waiting to be officially registered in the Guinness World Records (the book of records), those who made the cover decided to undo the piece. They then converted it into blankets that were donated to social projects.

The idea came about in 2017 when Dianne MacDonald decided to beat the record with some of her students’ help. At the time, the record was 3.4 meters high and 11 meters in circumference. Dianne joined KARAG (the acronym for “Knit a row and go”) which placed sewing baskets in public places so any person could do some of the work.


1) How many meters tall is the final cover version?

a) 5 meters

b) 3.4 meters

c) 300 meters

d) 11 meters

2) Which world record would you like to break? Why?

Sources: Herald Sun, Knit-A-Row-And-Go Group, Tea Cozy Festival, and UPI

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