A post office in the Antarctic has announced job openings to sell stamps, sort mail, and count penguins. The post office is located on Goudier Island, which is the size of a football field. The island is a research station that tracks the impact of visitors on the region. This includes checking if the number of penguins is increasing, decreasing, or staying the same.

Job applications closed on April 25th. The job ad warned that Antarctica is a difficult place to work physically and psychologically. That is because employees do not have flush toilets (they have to be emptied daily) and there is no running water or showers.

You have to do that on ships where you have the chance to shower, so you might not have this “luxury” for a few weeks. There is no news yet on who got the job.


1) Where is the post office mentioned in the text?

a) On a football field

b) In the Arctic

c) On Goudier Island

d) In the Cayman Islands

2) What is your dream job?

Sources: The Mirror, Newsweek, NY Post, and Rob’s Reddit page Sources: CBC, NPR, and The Washington Post

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