The Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic inaugurated a new permanent exhibition in May. The goal is to show the animal world in a pretty strange way, through animal feces. Visitors can check out information and even see samples of excrements from various species, from fossil feces of animals that are extinct to the “number 2” of gorillas, lions, camels, and horses.

The zoo produces a lot of manure (that is, animal feces used to fertilize the soil for various types of plants). So, the team decided to really dive deep in the topic and set up the exhibition that is now open to the public.

Sources: AP News and HuffPost.


1) According to the text, what is manure?

a. Animal fossil
b. Poo that changes into material to make land more fertile
c. Animals that do not exist anymore
d. The name of the exhibition

2) Would you go to an exhibition like this? Why?

*Answer: B

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