Have you ever checked out a book from a library and forgotten to return it on time? This happened to a girl from Massachusetts, in the United States. In her case, the book was returned 50 years later. In August, the library received an anonymous package with the book, a 20-dollar bill (about 104 reais), and a letter. The note was written as if the book had sent a message: “Fifty years ago (yes, 50!), a little girl checked me from this library in 1971. At the time, she didn’t know they were going to move from Plymouth [the city where the library is]”.

In the letter, the woman also explained why she sent the money. Even though she knew the amount was not close to the fine she had to pay, she believed that, with 20 dollars, the library could eliminate some of the children’s fines – because anyone who owes more than five dollars to the library is not allowed to borrow more books.

1) Why did the woman send a 20-dollar bill with the book?
a) To start paying off her debt.
b) Because it was the amount she had to pay for the delay.
c) To help pay off the debt for some of the children
d) So the library could buy a new book

2) Have you ever returned a book to the library late? If yes, how late was it?

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