Rainer Schimpf is a 51-year-old diver. In February, he was almost swallowed by a 15-tonne whale (more than the weight of five African forest elephants) off the coast of South Africa. Rainer was filming a school of fish (a group of fish that swim together) when the whale grabbed him.

Only his lower body came out of the whale’s mouth. When Rainer’s filming colleagues noticed a different type of movement, they decided to point the camera at the diver and record the event.

When the whale noticed that it was about to swallow something much larger than the usual fish, it spat out the man. Rainer was scared, but he was not hurt.


1) What was Rainer doing in the sea?
a) He was researching whale life.
b) He was filming a school of fish.
c) He was fishing.
d) He was taking a group of tourists to see fish.

2) What would you do if you saw someone be swallowed by a whale?

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