
Brave (dir. Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman and Steve Purcell, 2012, United States) — By Mikael dos S., Bruno N., Sofia L., Rafaella da S., Maria Gabriela N. and Fernanda B., third year students at E.E. José Ranieri, Bauru (São Paulo state)

The movie Brave tells the story of a girl named Merida. She is a princess who lives with her mother, Queen Elinor, and King Fergus. Merida does not want to follow family tradition as she does not want to get married. Her biggest dream is to be independent.

So, she escapes the kingdom to find help. While walking, she finds the house of a witch. Merida asks for a spell, and the witch gives her an enchanted candy to give to her mother. The spell is not what Merida thinks it is, and her mother turns into a bear. Both go through several challenges, which they overcome together.

We liked the movie a lot because it has a girl who is a warrior who fights to change her destiny. From this movie, we learned that we have to go after our dreams and try hard.


1) What does the witch offer Merida?

a) A piece of candy

b) A fruit

c) A magic wand

d) A house

2) Do you like stories about chasing dreams? Why?

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