Hens in a farm in Brittany, France are believed to have killed a fox. The fox invaded the coop where the hens live in early March. People think that the fox entered the henhouse through the automatic gate and got stuck in there.

The next day, the fox was dead. Everything indicates that the hens got together to prick the fox when they saw the intruder, probably because of their survival instincts. That is not all. A year earlier, another fox’s visit to the same henhouse ended exactly in the opposite way: the fox was alive after killing several hens.


1) How did the fox get into the henhouse?
a) A farmer left the gate open.
b) The fox jumped over the wall.
c) The coop had no gate.
d) It went in when the automatic gate opened.

2) What else do you think the hens could have done to defend themselves from the fox?

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