The “Aloha Spirit Law” has existed in Hawaii since 1986. It makes residents of this American state responsible for being kind to each other. The law says that people should pass on good feelings to others without expecting anything in return. The rule is put into practice with small day-to-day deeds – from simply giving directions to someone who is lost to carrying out charity projects. Punishments are handed out. If a company does not follow the rules, for example, the owner can lose the business.

The Aloha spirit is highly valued in Hawaii. Its meaning is described in the law. The word “Aloha”  is used to greet people. It comes from joining “Alo” and “Ha”, which mean “face to face” and “breath of life” respectively. Hawaiians believe that the “Aloha spirit” came from the need to live together peacefully in an isolated place like the group of islands that make up Hawaii.

1) According to the text, why is being kind important for Hawaiians?

a) Because kind behaviour improves relations among people
b) Because the law exists and needs to be followed
c) Because kindness is good for health
d) Because anyone who is not kind will pay a fine

2) How could you be more kind on a daily basis?

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