Fifteen-year-old British teenager Robert Adams won the first E-Bike Desert Challenge, a championship where competitors participate in electric bike races through the Sahara Desert. The competition took place in Morocco between December 28th and 31st. In this race, the participants had to complete a journey that passed through lost cities, oases and dry riverbeds, among other places in the desert.

Robert Adams won first place and also finished the competition 30 minutes earlier than the runner-up. To achieve this outcome, he had the help of a GPS and the advice of his father, who also participated in the competition. “You can be the fastest rider there, but if your navegation is not up to scratch, you’re not going to do well,” said the winner in an interview to CNN’s website.

To be able to pedal over the sand, competitors used electric bikes that can reach up to 25 km/hr. The vehicle has an electric engine, which helps the cyclist face the obstacles along the way.

Sources: CNN, Robert Adams’ Instagram profile, Bicycle Junction website, and the official website of the E-Bike Desert Challenge.


1) Which of the options is correct?
a) The E-Bike Desert Challenge is an event that takes place every year.
b) Robert Adams was a lot more experienced than the other participants.
c) The electric bikes can only be used in the desert.
d) Adams competed alongside his father.

2) Would you participate in the E-Bike Desert Challenge? Explain your answer.

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