Scientists from Delft University of Technology in Holland have created robot bees to help minimize problems stemming from the decrease of these insects in the world.  Bees are important for the pollination of plants and food and are threatened by climate change and by the use of pesticides in agriculture (find out more in the box).

The invention, which was named DelFly, has already had four versions. The most recent one, which was launched in September of this year, does not have a tail – which prevents the model from breaking easily and makes it more agile. Also, for the first time, the object is controlled by its wings and can thus fly in any direction.

The robot bee has the shape of a fruitfly, but it is 55 times larger. It works like a small drone that is able to fly and remain up in the air by imitating the movements of bee wings.

With its current battery, the bee can only fly for six minutes. However, scientists are working on increasing the length of flying time and reducing the size of the DelFly to that of a regular insect. “I think within five to 10 years we will have the technology to make the drones much smaller and we could see them put to use in greenhouses,” said Matěj Karásek, one of the researchers, to the British newspaper The Guardian.

Another improvement could be the inclusion of sensors to prevent them from hitting other obstacles along the way. After these advances are included, scientists believe they can create swarms of drones to replace the bees that are disappearing.

Dangerous for Bees

Pesticides are chemical products used in agriculture to protect plants from insects. However, aside from eliminating pests, these products harm useful insects like bees. When they are looking for food in flowers, bees carry pollen from other plants on their bodies, allowing vegetables and fruit to reproduce. Find out more about bees in JOCA’s issue number 86.

DelFly’s Specs

Length: 33 centimetres (a ruler)

Weight: 29 grams (a little more than a chocolate candy)

Speed: 24 kilometres per hour (the same as a professional marathon runner)

Wings: flap 17 times per second

1) Why are scientists creating robots to replace bees?

a) To have an option in terms of honey production
b) To prevent people from being bitten by bees
c) To study the behaviour of bees better
d) Because bees are being threatened by the use of pesticides

2) In your opinion, what could be done to prevent bees from disappearing?


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