A pair of penguins infiltrated a Japanese restaurant in New Zealand in early July. They really wanted to find a place to build a nest for their babies. Even after the police took them out of the restaurant and put them back in nature, they went in there a second time.

The penguins were seen by one of the restaurant’s owners, Long Lin. He heard a noise near the water tank and called the police to remove the animals.  In the meantime, he made sure that they did not escape. “It was a little wild,” said Long Lin to the local press.

Even though there was confusion, the penguin couple was rescued and returned to nature.


1) Why were the penguins in the restaurant?
a) They went there because of the smell of fish.
b) Because it is common to find penguins on the streets of New Zealand.
c) To find a space for the babies they would soon have.
d) Because they were hungry.

Correct answer: C

2) What would you do if you saw a penguin at a restaurant? Explain your answer.

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