Credits: Facebook

Hundreds of kilos of spaghetti mysteriously appeared near a creek in Old Bridge, a township in the state of New Jersey in the United States. The pasta seemed to be cooked and drew the interest and even outrage of the local residents.

On April 28th, Nina Jochnowitz, a community leader, posted pictures of the spaghetti “mountain” on her Facebook profile and asked local government to take action. The post quickly drew the attention of more people, which led authorities to remove the pasta from the creek’s surrounding area.

According to statements to NBC by neighborhood residents, the culprit was the son of a local resident who threw out expired food found in the house of his recently deceased father. Because of the rain, the pasta got wet and looked like it was cooked.

Sources: Casa e Jardim magazine, CBS News, Nina Jochnowitz’s Facebook profile, Metrópoles, NBC, and UPI.

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