Image by: video/reproduction

Can you imagine having shoes on all the time? In theory, 44-year-old Englishman Blazej Ambrozak was able to do this after tattooing his feet with the picture of a pair of Nike sneakers. A major fan of the brand, he decided to eternalize Air Jordans on his skin.

The tattoo was done by Dean Gunther, a specialist in tattooing realistic, colorful images. On February 22nd, Gunther shared the results of Ambrozak’s request on his Instagram profile. It took eight hours until it was all ready. The process was very painful according to the tattooed person. However, the Englishman does not regret it: “It was a spontaneous decision to get the trainer (sneaker in American English) tattoo, but I really liked the idea because it is different and not something that you see very often. I love all kinds of Nike trainers, but Jordans are my absolute favorites.”

Sources: Mirror, Mistérios do Mundo and Dean Gunther’s Instagram profile

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