Photo by Twitter/reproduction

Dave Farquharson, a resident of the Ealing district in London, the capital of England, drew attention from the media after he designed and ordered 500 dog toys that look like Liz Truss, the former prime minister of the United Kingdom. The story was told by Farquharson on his October 20th Twitter account.

The most striking fact is that the dolls were supposed to be sold to pet owners and were ordered from China before Truss took over as Prime Minister. She resigned from her post before the toys were even delivered to Farquharson. Truss was leader of the government for only 45 days. The first batch of dolls will arrive in London on November 11th. Pre-sales are now available online. ““We’ll see if it’ll be a Christmas hit or not.” joked Farquharson in an interview published by the Mirror, a British newspaper, on October 25th.


1) When does the first shipment of toys arrive in London?

a) On October 25th

b) In 45 days

c) On November 11th

d) On October 20th

2) If you were a dog toy developer, what would be the most creative doll you could come up with?

Sources: Gaff and Gaff, Mirror and Twitter

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