In Tokyo, the capital of Japan, dogs and cats will be able to walk more comfortably on very hot days. That is what the Japanese clothing brand Sweet Mommy promises. In early July, the brand, together with a team of veterinarians, created a shirt with a fan for pets.

The shirt has a small fan attached to the back, which spreads fresh air around the animal. According to the manufacturer, the device reduces the body temperature of dogs and cats by up to 3.8 degrees Celsius (ºC). This helps with the stress caused by too much heat. This piece of clothing is available in five different sizes and costs around 9,900 yen.


1) In how many different sizes is the pet clothing available?

a) Nine

b) Five

c) Three

d) Eight

2) What kind of invention would you create to relieve pets in very hot days?

Sources: CNN, Sky News, and Sweet Mommy Daikanyama

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