Residences on Lake Erie’s shore in the town of Hamburg, in the state of New York, froze on February 28th after a storm. Residents were impressed with the ice sculpture backdrop that evokes Arendelle, the town where Elsa lives in the movie Frozen.

On that day, it was six decrees Celsius (6°C), which is far from being the coldest day in the area, where it usually gets to -7°C at least once a year. This happened due to a number of factors: strong winds caused the lake water to splash over houses and vegetation, then cold temperatures quickly froze the water.

In spite of the intriguing landscape, local residents have become concerned with the situation. Among residents’ complaints is the one that the ice can damage houses and disrupt their day-to-day. “It is very dark in my home, which is rather scary,” said Ed Mis, a resident during an interview to CNN. “It is a beautiful sight, but I don’t want to experience it again,” he added.

There is also the fear that heavy rains, together with the weight of the ice, will bring down roofs and trees. For this reason, a request for declaring a state of emergency was issued to the governor of New York state. If approved, declaring a state of emergency would ensure that certain special measures occur, such as the allocation of more funds to sort out the problem. As of the closing of this issue, the request was still under analysis (and the ice had not melted yet).


1) What caused the houses to become frozen?
a) A snow storm
b) A storm with winds made the lake water cover the houses and freeze.
c) Extremely low and unusual temperatures in the area
d) A problem in the houses’ heating system

2) What would you do if something similar happened in your house?


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