Have you ever heard of an artist that is a bridge? Guitarist Nate Mercereau likes the sound the wind makes when it hits the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA, so much that he decided to record an entire album using that sound as a base. In Duets/Golden Gate Bridge, Nate plays the guitar to the noise that the wind makes on the bridge. The work can be heard on major digital platforms.

In an interview with The Guardian newspaper, Nate said he had read an article about local residents who complained about the loud noise the bridge made after it was refurbished. When Nate heard it, he loved the melody. To Nate’s dismay, San Francisco’s City Hall is already working to make the bridge quiet again.

1) How does the bridge make noise?

a) With the wind hitting it
b) When the cars pass it by
c) With rusty screws
d) With whistles

2) Would you listen to a music album made with the sound of a bridge? Why?

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