After attaching trackers to some magpies, scientists were surprised to find that on the same day, all birds had removed their devices. Five birds were part of the study. The study wanted to better understand the habits of the species. It was published in the scientific journal Australian Field Ornithology on February 15th.

The goal was not achieved because the birds helped each other take off the tracker. After that, the study changed its focus to explore how this operation was performed by these animals. Scientists discovered that this was just an example of the species’ ability to collaborate and resolve conflicts (in this case, get rid of the trackers that were uncomfortable).


1) How did the birds take off the tracker?

a) They helped each other.

b) They had help from animals from other species.

c) They only removed the tracker at the end of the study.

d) The text does not contain this information.

2) What was the purpose of the study and what became the focus after the unusual event?

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