A lizard about six feet tall ( two times the average height of a two-year-old) climbed the shelves of a convenience store in Thailand. It hung there for about an hour. When the police arrived with a reptile rescue team, it managed to escape the scene.

Some of the customers who were in the store with the lizard used the opportunity to film the event while they were hiding from it. By the time this Joca issue went to press, a video posted on Facebook on April 6th already had 910 thousand views.

No one knows exactly why the lizard went into the store, but one possibility is that it was looking for food as Thailand is in a drought.


1) What happened to the lizard?

a) It was rescued by police.

b) A team that rescues reptiles took it back to nature.

c) It ran away.

d) It ate and left before the rescue team arrived.

2) What would you do if you were in the store with the lizard?

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