Colmeia em teto. Crédito de imagem Reprodução
#pracegover: colmeia presa em teto em casa na Austrália. Crédito: Reprodução

Colmeia em teto. Crédito de imagem Reprodução

A beehive with close to 60 thousand bees was found on the inside the ceiling of a house in Brisbane, Australia at the end of August. The bees that built the hive chose the place because it was a protected area – it is common for bees to look for shelter in wall openings or ceilings when they do not find holes in trees.

The owner of the house was not bothered by the bees when she found the hive. However, 10 months later, the number of bees and the hive grew so much that the only option was to ask for specialised help to return the insects back to nature. During the time they were in house, the bees produced 50 kg of honey – about the weight of two adult golden retrievers.


1) According to the text, why did the owner of the house decide to remove the bees?
a) Because she was disturbed for months
b) Because the number of insects increased a lot, so they had to be returned to nature
c) Because she was bitten by a bee
d) Because she was afraid the bees would hurt her dogs

Correct answer: B

2) What would you do if your house was infested with bees?

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