On September 8th, the city of Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará state, launched a Pet Friendly seal to encourage tourist and commercial establishments (such as hotels and restaurants) to allow pets in. The idea is to attract visitors who want to travel with their pets and have Fortaleza be the first animal friendly Brazilian capital.

The City’s Office of Tourism is contacting companies to present and encourage the adoption of practices geared at people with pets. Companies that participate will receive the Pet Friendly seal, which can be displayed on websites, posters and even on the front of establishments. That way, anyone planning a trip to Fortaleza can research and find out which places accept animals.

“It’s an innovative way to attract tourists (…). Anyone who travels and owns a pet knows very well that they are always great company,” said Mayor José Sarto in a statement published on city hall ‘s website. According to Alexandre Pereira, the tourism secretary in Fortaleza, the initiative is being well received and more than 100 restaurants were about to be given the seal a week after its launch.

Employees at these locations will be trained by SEBRAE (a Brazilian service that supports small businesses) to serve people with pets appropriately.

1) According to the text, where can establishments advertise the Pet Friendly seal?

a) On site only
b) On social networks
c) On websites, posters and store fronts
d) In TV commercials

2) What did you think of the Fortaleza initiative?

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