Firefighters in California, in the United States, were called to rescue someone who was hanging from a cliff.  Later, they found out that the “victim” was actually a dummy from a movie shot a few days earlier.  On October 4th, firefighters arrived at the site with trucks and drones because of the type of emergency. However, none of it was needed.

People who were on the beach were worried that the “woman” was hanging from about 30 feet (the equivalent of a three-story building) and did not have climbing equipment. The local fire department praised the call made by people there on Twitter: “Better to call than not!” said the post.


1) According to the text, what did the firefighters say about the call?

a) That it was fun.

b) That it was a waste of time.

c) That it is better to call them than to not call them.

d) They complained about the dummy being left there.

2) What do you think about the movie crew leaving the dummy on the cliff?

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Comentários (1)

  • Fernanda Tavernari

    2 anos atrás

    Omg! I think the answer to the question is the letter C: c) That it is better to call them than to not call. Because if the dummy it was a woman? The woman can die in the cliff. I think that wen the firefighters discovered that it was a dummy was very strange, but I think every body staied happy because if it was a woman it was very dangerous, and I think that any people don't want to have a people in a dangerous moment. (sorry my bad English, I am practicing).

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