…Russia is the biggest country in the world?  Its territory stretches from Europe to Asia. It includes the northernmost and the easternmost points of Asia. It is so large that it spans 11 different time zones. It has an area of 17,130,000 km².

…the country has the ninth largest population on Earth? It has about 146 million people. Brazil has about 213 million inhabitants and is the sixth largest population.

…caviar is cheap there? A food item considered a luxury in many places, caviar is common at breakfast for Russians. That is because there is high production of fish roe in the region.

…the longest river in Europe, the Volga, starts in Russia? It is 3,530 km long. The country also has the largest lake in Europe, Lake Ladoga, with an area of 17,600 km².

…the Russian population is made up by more than 120 different ethnicities? The largest ones even have their own language, such as the Tatars, which represent 3.2% of the population, and the Chechens, which represent 1%.

…traditional Russian foods often have vegetables as a base? A very popular dish there is borsch, a soup made from beetroot.


1) What is borsch made of?

a) Beetroot

b) Caviar and beetroot

c) From various vegetables and grains

d) Caviar

2) Would you like to visit Russia? Why?

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