(Photo by: Getty Images)

…NFT IS THE ACRONYM FOR NON-FUNGIBLE TOKEN? This means that these images cannot be replaced or exchanged. Each NFT receives a type of digital certificate that guarantees its authenticity.

…ANYTHING DIGITAL CAN BE AN NFT? Some examples are cartoons, movies, music and even memes.


…THEY HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT? To create the code for an NFT, a very large amount of electrical energy is required, as several computers are used. This type of energy is responsible for emitting polluting gases, such as carbon.

… ANYONE WHO BUYS AN NFT DOES NOT ALWAYS HAVE FULL OWNERSHIP OF THE IMAGE? The copyright, even after the sale, remains with whoever created the NFT. This means that, to display it on a website, for example, the owner needs the author’s authorization.

…THERE ARE NFTS THAT ARE THE SAME? Some art may even be identical, but each one has a different code that makes it unique.


1) Which of these objects cannot be an NFT?

a) A painting you can touch

b) A song

c) A movie

d) A meme

2) Would you buy art that does not exist in the real world? Why?

Sources: Exame, FinanceOne, and Techtudo

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