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…IS A CHEMICAL ELEMENT? It shows up in different forms on Earth and is present in all living beings.

…IT IS THE FOURTH MOST ABUNDANT ELEMENT IN THE WORLD? It is right behind hydrogen, helium, and oxygen.


…DIAMONDS ARE ALSO COMPOSED OF CARBON MOLECULES? The crystal is the hardest material found in nature.

…CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) IS A COMBINATION OF CARBON AND OXYGEN? In large quantities, it is responsible for increasing the greenhouse effect. CO2 and other gases rise to the atmosphere and become “stuck” there, in a layer. This layer prevents heat from leaving the Earth and, when intensified by human activity, results in global warming.

…CURRENT INDUSTRIAL OPERATIONS EMIT AN AMOUNT OF CO2 THAT IS HARMFUL TO THE ENVIRONMENT? However, carbon is important for the Earth in small doses. For example, when we breathe, we eliminate the gas that will be absorbed by plants in a phenomenon called photosynthesis.

Sources: Brasil Escola, Manual da Química, Mundo Educação, Toda Matéria and Um Só Planeta – Globo.

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