… Close to 90% of our body is made of bacteria?
Most of these microorganisms help our body function. That is the case of lactobacillus, which strengthens immunity and helps digestion.

… Bacteria are the oldest form of life on Earth?
Scientists estimate that they have been on Earth for close to 3,5 billion years.

… Hand dryers are less hygienic than paper towels?
In a study carried out by the University of Westminster in England, participants rubbed virus contaminated liquid on their hands. Afterwards, they were asked to dry their hands using paper towels or hand dryers. Those who used paper towels spread the virus in the air for 25 cm. Those who chose the machines spread the microorganism for a distance of 75 cm.

… There are people who specialize in “hunting bacteria”?
In the PharmaSea project, specialists looked for microorganisms in places with extreme conditions where temperatures are very low or pressure is very high. The goal was to find out if the bacteria can survive in those environments and create new types of medication.

…Antibiotics are drugs that kill bacteria?
When our immune system cannot fight an illness, medication is used to destroy or decrease the growth of bacteria.

… Cheese and yogurt are made from “good” bacteria?
Ropionibacterium shermani bacteria, for example, can be found in Swiss cheese. As it liberates carbon dioxide, it creates the famous holes that cheese is known for.

… Hands are the primary means of transmitting bacteria?
Because bacteria do not jump or fly, they spread through contact with living beings, like humans or animals. To prevent bacteria from going from one place to the other, it is important to keep your hands clean at all times.

1) After reading the text, mark the option that is correct:
A) Some bacteria are important for our bodies’ well-being.
B) Researchers from the PharmaSea project found the Ropionibacterium shermani bacteria.
C) Paper towels are less hygienic than hand dryers.
D) Bacteria came after dinosaurs.

2) Explain the difference between “good” and “bad” bacteria.


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