Crédito de imagem: Deyves Martins/Creative Commons

On february 8th, the coastal city of Ubatuba (in São Paulo state) started collecting the Environmental Conservation Fee (TAP). From now on, each vehicle visiting the area will have to pay a daily fee according to its size (whether it is a motorcycle, car, vans bus or truck). For example: a small car will pay 13 reais per day; the daily rate for utility vehicles (such as a van or camper van) will be 19.50 reais.

According to the city hall of Ubatuba, the amount collected will be used to maintain city beaches and streets, which are filled with garbage during high season. “This way, it will be possible to make up for the socio-environmental impact generated by the large influx of people who visit Ubatuba, keeping the city clean and well-maintained, both for residents and tourists,” said Guilherme Adolpho, Ubatuba’s Environment Secretary, in a note.

Ubatuba is not the only tourist destination in the country with this kind of vehicle fee. This is also the case in places like Fernando de Noronha (an island in Pernambuco state), Morro de São Paulo (in Bahia state) and Bombinhas (in Santa Catarina state). Other places that combine tourism and nature, such as parks and environmental reserves, also charge visitors an admission fee.

What is TAP used for?

This fee is a kind of tax that is charged to enter or stay in places such as islands, parks, coastal towns, and forest reserves. The amount collected with this fee will be invested in infrastructure, maintenance, street cleaning, basic sanitation (services and facilities for the water supply and drainage, sewage, as well as other structures) and development of environmental and tourism projects.

Sources: City Hall of Ubatuba and Ministry of Tourism

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