Many girls from Afghanistan dress and behave like boys so they can walk the streets freely and work in public places, such as markets, and help support their families. This practice is called bacha posh (dressed like a boy) and is encouraged in Afghani families, especially those that do not have sons.

This occurs because families that only have daughters are not well-thought of by Afghan society, in which women – regardless of their age – cannot walk on the street unchaperoned by a man or work outside of their home.

The tradition has been in existence for centuries and is also considered a way for families to ask the heavens for a boy. Bacha posh lasts until girls are 17 or 18 years old, when they are supposed to marry.

The experience is very harmful to some Afghan girls who have a hard time being feminine later on. For others, it is a period of freedom, in which they can do things that they would never be allowed to otherwise. According to the United Nations, Afghanistan is the worse country in the world for girls.

QUESTIONS – level 3

1. According to the article, bacha posh is:

a. A new way of dressing in Afghan society
b. Not accepted by Afghan families
c. A practice that allows girls to walk on the streets and work
d. A symbol of equality between boys and girls

2. Why do you think Afghanistan is the worse country in the world for girls?


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