Credits: video

Anyone who wants to take their dog on the New York subway system needs to put their dog in a carrier bag. That is exactly what American Jackie Hornung did to transport Lumi, a Samoyed. Although that seems simple, following this regulation becomes a little more complicated when the dog weighs 24 kilos, which was Lumi’s case.

On March 28th, Jackie shared a video on TikTok that showed the situation. The post quickly went viral: in less than 15 days, it was viewed 3.7 million times online. In the post, Lumi is inside a large backpack on Jackie’s back.

The dog was even invited to the Good Morning America TV show in the USA. Jackie continues to share a few of the details of her routine with gigantic Lumi on TikTok. Lumi is still a one-and-a-half-year-old puppy.

Use the QR Code to see Lumi being carried in the backpack in the subway

Sources: Folha de S. Paulo newspaper and Jackie Hornung’s TikTok account.

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