The start of the Tokyo Olympics in Japan is less than six months away. The event, which will take place between July 24th and August 9th, will bring together 11,091 athletes and show the world a little of the host country’s culture and interest in technology. Check out what to expect:

Technological novelties
The organisers have promised to deliver the most innovative Olympic Games in history. The following will be seen for the first time in the Olympic Games:

– Mascot robots: Miraitowa (mascot of the Olympics) and Someity (mascot of the Paralympics) will welcome the athletes and spectators with waves, bows, and various facial expressions.

– Facial recognition: a machine will be used to authorise the entrance of athletes, journalists, and members of the training teams to restricted areas of the event.

Olympic torch
The largest symbol of the event, it was built in a shape similar to that of a cherry blossom, which is a traditional flower in Japan.

Forty-three locations will be used during the event, including eight spaces that were built for the Olympics, 10 temporary ones (that will only be used for the event), and 25 that already existed.

New sports
The Tokyo Olympics will be the first to have surf, climbing, karate, skateboarding, and baseball competitions.


1) What will the mascot robot do that is different?
a) It will be responsible for facial recognition during the Olympics.
b) There will be a sporting competition among robots of this type.
c) It will be the judge in some of the competitions.
d) The new feature will welcome athletes and spectators with waves, for example.

2) What other technologies would you like to see in sporting events?


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