How many times have you blinked? How many people were born after you? How many times did your heart beat all these years? The answers to these questions are on LifeStats (, a website in which users put in their birthday and are given interesting figures about their own lives.

According to the tool, a person born on February 7th, 2010, for example, has lived 3.678 days, had more or less 413.120.000 heartbeats, and blinked more than 79.500.000 times.

Aside from information about the human body, the website also shows how the world has changed since the birth of this person. In the case of the example given above, there is 6% more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and close to 790.520.840 more humans exist on Earth now than on February 7th, 2010.

To present the figures, the platform uses data published on sites such as NASA (the United States space agency), the World Bank, and the United Nations (UN). The system was developed by the American programmer Neal Agarwal,who is a specialist in creating interactive websites with interesting information. His work includes sites about features from outer space, marine animals, and historical figures.

What else can you find on LifeStats?
* The number of breaths you have taken
* The percentage of literate people when you were born versus now
How many kilometres you have travelled around the Sun on Earth


1) Which of the alternatives below is correct?
a) The website shows only numbers about the person’s body (heartbeats, breaths, among others).
b) The website shows only data about the world population (the number of literate people, for example).
c) The website shows data about the person who checks it as well as about how the world has changed since his/her birth.
d) The website shows how many days the person has lived.

2) What did you think of LifeStats?  Explain your answer.

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