A walrus named Wally has become well known after it was seen invading boats from several European countries, including France, Spain, and Ireland (where it appeared on August 8th). The animal attracted attention because the species usually lives in colder regions and is rarely seen on the continent.

It is believed that Wally’s presence in these countries may have been an accident. It is probable that she was born on Svalbard, an island in Norway, but fell asleep on a block of ice that floated out to sea and distanced itself from its origin.

Europeans are now campaigning for the new celebrity to be left alone – even if she knocks over a few boats along the way – as it must be stressful for her to be away from home and in places where conditions are so different from what she is used to. Seal Rescue Ireland, an Irish seal rescue organization, is looking for a boat that can accommodate the walrus.

1) According to the text, where are walruses usually seen?

a) In Ireland
b) In Spain
c) In France
d) In colder regions such as Norway

2) What could be done to help Wally?

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