
According to a new study published on August 7th in the scientific journal Science Advances, scientists are studying the possibility of making Mars inhabitable by releasing glitter into the planet’s atmosphere. The idea is to dump millions of tons of the reflective material to “trap” heat in the planet whose average temperature is -64 degrees Celsius (oC). The glitter would function like Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) do in the Earth’s atmosphere. According to the authors of the study, this idea would take decades to come into practice.

Glossary: ​​

Greenhouse Gases(GHGs): polluting gasses, such as carbon dioxide (CO2). When released (by transport or factories, for example), they rise to the atmosphere and are “trapped” there, where they accumulate and form a kind of layer. This layer prevents heat from being released from the Earth and as human activity intensifies this process, it leads to global warming.

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