This illustration was made with the help of the artificial intelligence of DreamStudio by which creates images based on written instructions. CREDITS: DREAMSTUDIO BY STABILITY.AI

On July 21st, the United States government announced that leading Western technology companies, such as OpenAI (ChatGPT’s parent company), Google, and Meta, committed to a series of measures to prevent Artificial Intelligence (AI) from becoming a problem for society. These voluntary measures (that is, there is no law making them mandatory) may go into effect immediately.

“Americans are seeing how advanced artificial intelligence and the pace of innovation have the power to disrupt jobs in industries,” said US President Joe Biden in a press conference. “These commitments are a promising step that we have a lot more work to do together,” he added.

One of the main guidelines is the creation of a watermark for content generated by AI. Watermarks are a type of logo or stamp inserted in content to identify its origin or to whom it belongs. In the case of AI, the watermark would help people know that the content was created with this technology. This way, it would be easier to tell if the image has been modified using AI for example.

Among other measures, companies have also committed to: investing in cybersecurity; using more advanced AI systems to help solve major societal issues including diseases that do not have a cure, as well as climate change; sharing important information about security among themselves and with the government.

Other countries

Negotiating voluntary measures in the US goes against what has been happening in some countries, where laws have been adopted to regulate AI use. China has had laws that tackle this issue since January, and it has announced it is developing additional measures. The European parliament passed a legislative bill in June that will be enacted by the end of the year. In Brazil, two legislative bills are being reviewed by the government.

Sources: Exame, G1, New York Times, O Poder, and The Guardian

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