Photo: Twitter/reproduction

Lisa Edmonds ordered food at a restaurant in London, England. She was surprised to find Shrek’s face on her plate (Shrek is a famous character from DreamWorks, the animation studio). The story was published exclusively by The Sun, a newspaper from the UK, on October 8th.

Lisa was with her husband, Mark, and son, Harrison, when the orders arrived at the family table. She had asked for chicken with spicy green sauce, an Indian dish called curry. The sauce accidentally had the shape of an ogre’s face. “The face was so cute I almost couldn’t eat it,” the woman told The Sun, “But I was so hungry that I had to.”


1) According to the text, what is curry?

a) A type of sauce in Indian cuisine

b) A DreamWorks character

c) The name of a restaurant

d) Lisa Edmonds’ child

2) What would you do if you had the same dish as Lisa?

Sources: Metro and The Sun

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