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There is a strange new record in the Guinness World Records Book this year: the longest line of dogs dancing the conga. The special mark was achieved, in August 2022, by the German dog trainer Wolfgang Lauenburge. Using dressage techniques, Wolfgang was able to put 14 dogs in a conga line.

The record belonged before to Alexa Lauenburger, Wolfgang’s daughter. She gathered nine dogs in a conga line. Wolfgang has already broken other Guinness Records with his training dogs. Alexa still holds the record for the shortest time taken by a dog to jump five obstacles: 5.66 seconds.

The 14 dogs that broke the record are: Emma, Filou, Fin, Simon, Susy, Maya, Ulf, Speck, Bibi, Katie, Jennifer, Elvis, Charly and Cathy.

Sources: Guinness World Records, Alexa Laufenburger’s Instagram and UPI

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