Vale a Pena Dialogar (Fernando Carraro, FTD Publishing)

By Clara C., age 10, Colégio Cristo Rei, São Paulo (SP)

I recommend the book Vale a Pena Dialogar. It is about a girl, named Ana Júlia, who is having problems with her mother. Ana Júlia has classes about dialogues with her teacher, Alexandre. She realizes that she can improve and begins to practice dialoguing with her mother and everyone else.

I loved the book because, before all that, I did not know what a dialogue was. When I got the book, I thought it was just a story about religion, with boring stories, but I was wrong. I was delighted to see how important dialogues are in our lives!

What about you? Do you know what a dialogue is? What is religious intolerance? Do you know what it is like to listen to someone else? Well, sorry, but I cannot tell you, read this book and help us spread the word!

1) In the book, what is Ana Júlia’s problem?

a) She is doing poorly in geography.
b) She got into a fight with her best friend.
c) She has problems with her mother.
d) She does not get along with Alexandre, her teacher.

2) How do you practice dialoguing on a daily basis?

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