(Image: divulgation)

The Fabulous Friend Machine (Nick Bland, several publishers) — By the third year students from Luiza Marcelina Branca Chaib Public State School in São Paulo (SP)

We all read the translation by Gilda de Aquino of the book The Fabulous Friend Machine by Nick Bland and published by Brinque-Book.

The story takes place on the Fricotico farm. The main character is a hen named Pipoca that is very kind and speaks sweet and polite words. One day, when she is going to greet the horse, she finds a small object with a shiny screen in the barn, where she receives a “hello” message.

In this book you will learn a important lesson about real life and friendship. Read it and then tell us if you liked it!


1) How is the object that Pipoca finds?

a) It is too big.

b) It has no screen.

c) It has a bright screen.

d) It is made of wood.

2) Do you like to read stories that have animals for characters? Why?

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